The allotment has provided me with numerous squashes and runner bean beans (I don't collect them frequently enough to eat them fresh). I took the ducks up with me to eat some slugs but they were more interested in the view and messing about in an upturned lid full of water but that's nothing new!
So, now that the poultry are in bed by 5.30, I have been able to get on with some drawing and others such creative pursuits in the evenings. I've been running some sustainable beekeeping courses here at my house and and wanted to do some illustrations for the handout that my students receive so I've been doodling with my lovely sepia pens:
I do love sepia ink and as such I am steeping some walnut husks in water so that I can boil them up, strain them, reduce the liquid and use it as ink. As my wonderful Ma pointed out, I could go and buy a bottle of walnut ink but hey I love a challenge...! I'm also going to give some of the dye to my friend Nicky, of WarpsiDaisies fame so that she can use it to dye some yarn - it's a wonderful rich brown according to Pinterest, although I've come to view Pinterest with suspicion since nothing I ever try to recreate looks even half as good as my pinned pictures :-( Anyway I'm quite pleased with my doodle so far, but I'll probably add to it as the mood takes me! I keep photographing it so that if I mess up I can go to the last best version.