Wednesday, 7 September 2011


I couldn't post yesterday as the weather was too awful but I did sit and knit some things as I felt rather hampered by only being able to do half the projects in the books I've got. On my 6th attempt at a maple leaf, I finally got the hang of it so made another small one today, as well as another leaf and a Fly Agaric mushroom:

so it's good to know I can tackle some knitting if I lose my hook, which I do. Frequently.

The hollyhock of mathematical fame looked distinctly forlorn this morning:

But is was not-raining sufficiently for Mary and the chicks to be let out for a much-needed wing flap and leg stretch. They are getting so bold now and flap their little wings and scratch about in the grass, and can manage quite big worms. They have probably doubled in size and their feathers are coming through which is good as frankly they need the insulation. Trying to photograph them is a nightmare as they scuttle through the undergrowth but anyway, here's one:

The ducks were delighted with the weather yesterday and sat contentedly in their buckets of muddy water, heads beneath wings. This morning they were rather disappointed that I had emptied and refilled their mudbaths with clean fresh water but they soon filled it up again.

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