Thursday, 13 October 2011


We went to Knockhatch today with Shinies Home Ed Group which was a lot of fun - there were about 40 of us and the place was pretty deserted (well, until we arrived) so the children had a great time.

That was actually the Under-10's section but nobody got hurt!

There was a Bird of Prey display - this chap was a turkey vulture:

 And Tristan enjoyed the astroturf toboggan:

So we got back home tired and hungry but everyone had enjoyed themselves. We had to take Willow the bunny to the vet as one of her toes had gone all skewiff so I think she must have caught it on something, and Joanna still has a bit of a droopy wing. She wasn't really dressed for a trip out having been trench-excavating:

But she had dried off by the time we reached Lewes. The vet we saw is someone I remember from my farming days 20-something years ago and he also used to treat our family dog who was er, not the most co-operative of patients. I asked him if he remembered Paddie, our spaniel-based mongrel and Bill replied that yes, indeed he did, and gave a worried look towards Scruff, presumably in case he was a descendant with the same temperament. I reassured him that it was just the bunny and the duck in need of attention, although poor Scruff had the torture of having to sit by as the rabbit hopped around the consulting room inches from his nose, and then even worse, the duck waddled around flapping and quacking. I was very impressed that he managed to subdue his gundog instincts!

I managed to have a walk round the garden before it started getting dark:

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