Well after a very enjoyable meeting last night of the Country Craft Club (I can spell it but I can't say it) Nicky and I decided that as an inaugural project, we should complete the Buff-Orpington crocheted chicken family that Nicky had started. She has already done 2 of the chicks, one of which looked infinitely more fabulous sporting the jaunty green hat/egg cosy. It could have been made to measure!
Official CCC mascot. The chick, not me |
So with that in mind, Nicky set me the task of creating Mr Buff-Orpington while she got on with the wife and 4 more chicks. I purchased some wool for my various projects this morning:
Fairisle-look wool on the right for Mr Buff-Orp |
The elderly lady perusing knitting patterns in the shop looked at me rather strangely when Rose picked up a ball and I said "Hmm, no, it's not quite the right colour for a chicken..." The pink in the middle is for a sort of washcloth and the red I thought would be good for the cafetiere cosy. I have made a start with Mr Buff-Orp's body and had a minor panic as I was not sure what to stuff him with (don't say Paxo!) but managed to find some so I need to get on with his head this evening. It makes a change from wrestling with the stats for my project which is driving me crazy - I can do the maths but arghghghhgh the Excel spreadsheets and trying to make a bar graph might see me completely lose my mind.
Other than that, I did a Biology lesson with Tristan about joints and bones as he didn't realise he had a particular bone in his hand until Amber hit it with a stick; inspiration for home-ed comes from all quarters. I popped over to the bee farm for an hour or so and checked some hives, and then sat outside and made a chicken body whilst watching the ducks eat cleavers
Goosegrass is obviously not species-specific |
The hens are working their way through next years' borage seeds |
Waiting for this plant to flower as can't remember what it is
and it's huge and rather boring at the moment |
I sold 2 boxes of eggs today which is good as there has been a bit of a glut recently - 4 eggs a day and there's only so many omlettes we can eat.
Anyway, back to the crochet whilst duckwatching with a podcast on too...talk about multi-tasking :-)
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