Charles had a day off today so we took him to Arundel Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, as he'd never been. It's a special place for me as it was where I realised that with so many superb resources around us, the children would benefit from spending their time at places like the WWT reserves rather than stuck in a classroom, and my decision to home-educate was made. It also reminds me of my childhood as we used to visit there when I was little and feed the Hawaiian geese...I think they are probably the same geese as they are very long-lived. Tristan even put down his iPod long enough to feed them:
As did the girls:
I was in duck heaven :-)
It was a beautiful day, unbelievably mild for November:
How anyone spots a bird in that lot is beyond me, let alone fathom whether it is a sedge, reed or Cetti's warbler...
They have electric boats at the reserve and we took a trip, and the guide stopped the boat for us to watch one of the resident water voles in the bankside vegetation. It is such a lovely way to see the wildlife as it is silent and drifts along gently - a bit like a hot air balloon but on the water. The ducks were starting to roost in the reeds as we went past, so it was a great way to round off our visit.
Charles also had a chance to see the guineas:
Milly |
Molly |
Cute aren't they? All my ducks were fine in our absence, and I had let the big chickens out for a run this morning before we left. While they were in the field I put lots of treats in their run for them to enjoy through the day, but as soon as I went back in the kitchen I heard Henry bok-bokking in the run and he was picking up all the sultanas and corn and showing the girls. Well I tried :-/
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