Hollyhocks and sweet peas |
Winter peas Meteor in a makeshift cloche |
They are getting so big!
The bunnies had a run outside too, which meant the guinea pigs had free range of the shed for a leg stretch (not that I can get pictures of them):
There was the most fantastic mushroom up the track, which Amber said looked like a song thrush:
I went and saw Nicky during the children's Latin lesson, and we agreed that we were both a bit short on inspiration at the moment. Hopefully a peruse of the yarn stash will produce results! I have started some mitts to match my raven Erssie Major hat:
It's a Rowan pattern for silk twist but I'm using Debbie Bliss' alpaca silk, which seems to be working better than the cashmerino aran I'd tried before. I've pretty much finished my Christmas collection, although having found the crochet hook that Nicky loaned me, I would like to make something for a friend in the blue and black alpaca yarn I bought but haven't really bonded with! Maybe it was knitting a moss stitch scarf in it that turned me off :-/
Rosie made a Christmas cake at Brownies:
which we will save until Christmas.
Yeah right!!
Amber made biscuits with Laura this morning, and they decided to have a tea party, which roughly translates as lay out plates on a blanket and eat all the biscuits.
Oh and I got my results for my two OU courses that I took this year: Grade 2 for S366 Evolution and Grade 3 for S369 The Geological Record of Environmental Change. I practically gave up in the summer so I'm pleased I did sit the exams. Meanwhile, back to the books for hard rock.....