We then blow dried her with the hair-dryer which she really enjoyed. She is looking more spruced up now and has a more tea-tree than farmyard fragrance. We took her to the vet in the afternoon with Willow the bunny as she needed her foot checked from when she was bandaged up a month ago. We also took Scruff who was pertrified, to say the least. He urinated on the vet's shoes and then went and whined in the corner.
The verdict with Maud from the extremely helpful vet was that she was a bit underweight, suffered a bit at the beaks of other hens, had a dodgy leg and given she has only been laying soft-shelled eggs, I would be entitled to take her back to Middle Farm and get her replaced, as usually their hens are very good so she might be a bit of a dud/runt of the litter type hen. Of course, Maud would not be kept if she were returned...so I got her some antibiotics and gave in to my sentimentality. The vet said it was a head vs heart decision and he would be similarly exercised as to which way to go. Bless him, he only charged me £11.56 for the consultation and medication.
I also finished my little green hat which is much less like Smarty and much more like the Rowan Harvest Beanie but well, I like it:
I need to take Scruff to the vet now; as I said to Nicky, might be an idea if we stay in the waiting room and the vet views his wound with binoculars from a distance. Or look - I have a picture! And a webcam! Why can't we have a virtual consultation?
Anyway whilst trawling the internet for a pattern for a knitted periodic table, I came across this which made me chuckle:
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