Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Small steps

Well today was an exciting day for the chicks - they took their first trip out onto the grass! Led by Mary of course. She managed to find a worm for each of them and when the little blonde chick got an extra one she took it off him and fed it to Blossom who had only had a tiny one. And no, there were no cries of "That's SO unfair!!!" and stamping of little chickeny feet and storming off back into the coop etc etc etc either...


They have been eating lots of chick food today and drinking too, but the last egg has been rather forgotten, although I'm not sure if there's anything in it...I tried to listen for tapping but I am really not sure, and I think Mary would know if there was another chick in there as she was talking to the others. Anyway after all that running around outside it was time to come back in for a nap:


I keep reckoning I've seen the cutest thing and then something like that happens

Other news? Well there isn't any really! I've been investigating permaculture and chickens as I want to make their new run as interesting for them as possible, and apparently they really like comfrey leaves so I'll take a trowel out with me next time I walk the dog as there's about half an acre of comfrey by the river. I've been looking through the crochet book as I want a project for the CCG meeting tomorrow and also have picked up my book on evolution which is interesting and given up my geology essay which wasn't!

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