I picked some of the gorgeous flowers from my garden to decorate the house, while Henry looked on:
I took Mary off her 4 eggs for a wing stretch:
Scruff waited patiently for his bee-catching practice:
And again for his tea...they say dogs can't talk:
I tried to get a picture of the bunnies without them escaping:
...I just about managed! And the bees were busy bringing in pollen, nectar, and adopting a strict frisking policy for all those wishing to enter the hive as it's wasp time of year so there was a bit of a queue to get in:
I then went for a walk in the afternoon sunshine:
and got back in time to receive my Ocado order, the driver of which bought all the yellow courgettes off my stall! I did also crochet another oak leaf but I need to sew up the holes in the chain stitches so I'll post a pic of that tomorrow.
Lovely photos - what a nice day you've had!